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New Registration of 2025

Please complete the registration process by clicking the payment buttons below.

Plan (Up to 31-Dec-2025) Registration
Special Guidance Comming Sooon.
NEET (AP/TS UG & PG) Up to 31-Dec-2025 (Cat-A)
NEET (AP/TS UG & PG) Up to 31-Dec-2025 (Cat-A, B & C)
JEE MAIN / ADVANCED - Rs. 250/- Only

Dear friends, you must register using the following buttons to create a new username account. This amount is used to maintain the website's domain and for hosting purposes only. After payment and registration, please check the email address you provided during the registration process.

Here we are providing the following services for TS, AP, and AIQ NEET 2021-2024:

Please mail me if any login issues: jaipal5554@gmail.com

© Jaipal Lande.